
We don’t hold back when it comes to our outdoor gear reviews. We start with in-depth research into what the best products are for a given category, then we buy as many of them as we can from different brands and price points. Usually, we end up with at least 10 products to test and compare side-by-side. Then we’ll use these products in the real world on our own hiking, camping, hunting, and fishing trips, for months where possible. Only then will we rank them and write our no-nonsense, hands-on outdoor gear reviews like this Best Wheeled Coolers article. Many of our reviews are accompanied by one of our deep dive YouTube videos where you can see and hear even more detail about these outdoor products.
Our outdoor product reviews and buyer’s guides are agenda-free. Our only goal is to provide our readers with genuine gear advice, objective testing, authentic opinions, and good deal alerts. We never do sponsored reviews or guarantee content to a company in exchange for free products or money! We always say what we really think including what we like and what we don’t. Whether you’re kicking tires on walkie talkies, or you’re in the market for one of the best coolers or a canvas tent, let us help you make your decision with confidence!
Related: Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Hiking