Hunting Page 8

pistol aimed

7 Main Pistol Shooting Stances Explained! (One and Two Handed Positions)

Pistols can be difficult to shoot accurately. They lack a stock, which prevents you from hold them against your torso for stability. ...
night vision vs thermal

Night Vision Versus Thermal Imaging – Full Comparison!

When it comes to choosing an electronic optic, you have a lot of decisions to make. For nighttime use, you will be ...
hunter on tree stand

How To Use a Climbing Tree Stand (Complete Guide)

Hunters used to have it pretty rough when it came to tree stands. They were often large and heavy pieces of gear ...
man with glasses and binoculars

How To Use Binoculars When You Have Glasses (2 Methods)

Just using binoculars might be tricky for some folks, not to even mention wearing eyeglasses on top of that too. There used ...
reflective vs non reflective target

Rangefinder Reflective vs Non-Reflective Target Range Explained!

Let’s say you are in the market for the best rangefinder. You are doing your research, weighing your options, and thinking about ...
hunter dragging a deer

Tracking Deer After Your Shot: A Guide to Recovering Arrow-Hit Deer 

In a perfect world, every deer you shot with your best hunting bow would go down where you could see it and ...
Where to shoot a deer

Where To Shoot A Deer: 6 Kill Zone Shot Placements with Graphics

Shot placement for big game animals is often a contentious topic among hunters. When you take that discussion and add in variables ...
telescope against the light

Optics 101: Light Transmission Explained!

Regardless of what kind of optic you have — a spotting scope, a rangefinder, a pair of binoculars, or a rifle scope, ...
man looking through airgun scope

How To Mount A Scope On Your Air Rifle (Complete Guide)

If you aren’t happy with your iron sight accuracy, or your vision isn’t the best, you may want to consider adding a ...
rsz mark kayser

25 Experts Give Their Best Shed Hunting Tips For Those Who Can’t Find Any

Shed antler hunting seems to get more popular every year and so are on the increase the social media posts on monster ...
break barrel air rifle maintenance

Air Rifle Maintenance 101: Keeping Your Airgun Operating Properly 

Air rifles are fun and challenging tools that allow you to hunt, target practice and compete at very little cost. But it’s easy ...
hunters wearing different camo patterns

A Guide to Hunting Camo Patterns (By Type, Location, Species)

Hunting apparel has come a long way since blue jeans and flannel were the go-to for many. Not only have the materials advanced significantly, ...
Airgun vs. Real Gun

What’s Better For Hunting – Airgun Or a Conventional Gun? – Compared!

Quick question: What’s better for hunting, a good airgun or a real gun?  A lot of people are going to say a real ...
rsz teaching hunting to new generation

Young Hunters: When and How to Get Children Started

Passing the Torch There are a lot of reasons to introduce kids to hunting. It is a wholesome hobby that teaches valuable ...
kid with a deer

Most Youth Friendly Hunting States: Hunting Age Limits By State

Since federal law does not specify minimum age youth can hunt it is up to each state to set the age limit ...
Lens variety

Optics 101: Anti-Reflective Lens Coatings

We live in a time where optics are clearer than they have ever been before. You can see farther and better in low light conditions, ...
man shooting air rifle

Can You Hunt With Airgun In Your State? (Laws & Regulations)

Airgun hunting steadily gains popularity over the last decade. Spurred by numerous factors like a lack of available 22 LR, tons of ...
recreational gun types

Airgun, Airsoft, BB, Pellet, Paintball (Differences Explained!)

Recreational guns are not considered firearms. These include paintball, airsoft, pellet guns, BB guns, and air rifles among others. Each is designed ...
squirrel gettting food

Feed The Deer, Not The Varmints!

[toc] Hunters across the world are constantly looking for ways to improve their chances to harvest animals. We look for new technology, ...
girl with compact zoom binoculars

Zoom vs Fixed Power Binoculars Compared!

Zoom Binocular Why in the world did someone decide to call binoculars with adjustable magnification “zoom binoculars”? I’ll never know. Rifle scopes, ...